LIVE ZOOM Webinars (earn 1 CMC or 1 MMC point or 2 EPP hours) are held the second Wed of each month: No Oct webinar due to election, Nov 13, 2024, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14, June 11, 2025, etc. (Click LIVE WEBINARS below for more info)

MMC and Education PLUS Program (EPP) Courses

Here are the 20 MMC approved courses (with more coming!):

Business Ethics

Business Succession Planning

Change Management

Conducting Annual Employee Reviews

Crisis Management

Cyber Security

Diversity and Sensitivity in the Workplace

Diversity and Unconscious Bias

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Employee Motivation

Employee Recognition

Employee Recruitment

Ethics and Digital Citizenship

Human Resource Management

Leadership & Influence

Performance Management

Risk Assessment

Social Intelligence

Talent Management

Virtual Team Building and Management

Click here to see all 70+ on demand courses

BRAND NEW IIMC Certification - Beginning July 1, 2023

Education PLUS Program (EPP) - An Overview

The International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) is committed to provide first class education to the clerk community.  To that end, IIMC has created a new program for those who are committed to lifelong learning for those who have already completed their MMC.  The certification requirements include an extensive and advanced educational component and a professional contribution component. 

Education PLUS Program is designed as an addition to the current education programs (CMC and MMC) and is not a designation. Members must possess an MMC in good standing to apply and earn all points (hours) according to the provisions outlined in the requirements put forth by IIMC.

These IIMC approved EPP courses are available through NEMCI.  The 5 courses listed below (and others) also serve as 1 MMC point.  Certificate of completion to read:  2 EPP hours or 1 MMC point.

The first scheduled EPP enrollment cycle (July 1, 2023 - July 1, 2025) requires 4 hours of Ethics and 4 hours of Diversity courses (details below) -  Each 2 hour course (OnDemand webinar) cost $60 and is accessed individually using credit card/ PayPal. Pay by check is an option *see below for details.  After passing the quiz with a 70% or better grade, a certificate is issued instantly to you via email.

Take these two ETHICS courses to meet the 4 hour EPP requirement.

Business Ethics - 2 hours (will meet 2 of the 4 hour ETHICS requirement)

Ethics and Digital Citizenship (will meet 2 of the 4 hour ETHICS requirement)

Choose two of these three DIVERSITY courses to meet the 4 hour EPP requirement.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - 2 hours (will meet 2 of the 4 hour DIVERSITY requirement)

Diversity and Sensitivity in the Workplace - 2 hours (will meet 2 of the 4 hour DIVERSITY requirement)

Diversity and Unconscious Bias - 2 hours (will meet 2 of the 4 hour DIVERSITY requirement)

 Additional EPP and MMC courses available in the coming weeks!

*Pay by check procedure (if credit card is not possible):  Select the four courses you would like to take, place them in the (shopping) cart. At the last screen, scroll to the bottom and click the COD (cash on delivery) button.  Visioneer Learning will send you an invoice for $240.  After the check is received, the course links will be available for to take the course.  Contact Jim at: with any questions or more direction.


The Education Plus Program (EPP) uses an "hour" basis tracking system rather than a "point" basis in contrast to the CMC and MMC designations. The EPP Program consists of a two-year scheduled enrollment cycle with 15 hours to be completed each year. The scheduled enrollment cycles begin on the first of the month and stops at the end of the scheduled month. Each cycle should contain the following:

  • 4 hours - Mandatory ethics training - first scheduled enrollment cycle only
  • 4 hours - Mandatory diversity, equity, and inclusivity training - first scheduled enrollment cycle only
  • Second cycle and forward members can select their 8 hours of education, leaving room for new topics on the horizon in higher education
  • All EPP courses must fulfill the requirements of the IIMC Education Guidelines.

For more information:

Registration is now full.  The next cohort begins July 1, 2026.




NEMCI&A Purpose

The New England Municipal Clerks Institute (NEMCI) is an intensive program of continuing professional education for those in attendance. The purpose is to assist Clerks in developing and maintaining the high level of administrative expertise needed for the successful operation of increasingly complex municipal governments. Population changes, increased municipal responsibilities and extensive social and legislative changes have increased both the difficulty and importance of the Clerk's function. With increased responsibility comes a need for professional education to aid the Municipal Clerk in acquiring the necessary new skills and knowledge, while developing and strengthening those already in use. Over 500 cities and towns have sent Clerks to the New England Municipal Clerks' Institute and Academy.


The New England Municipal Clerks Institute program is a comprehensive education program for New England Clerks.  A division of the New England Association of City and Town Clerks (NEACTC), this program is open to members of NEACTC and beyond.   Additionally, NEMCI is certified by IIMC as an Institute which provides participants with 60 education points for obtaining IIMC’s Certified Municipal Clerk designation.   

 NEMCI’s online courses, both on-demand or webinar format, will not replace or count for any part of the  hours or education of the NEMCI Institute program.  Our Institute program is a set schedule and variety of courses and we do not allow for outside courses (even when offered by us) to count toward the total Institute hours.  The online courses offered by NEMCI are 1 CMC/MMC point for each two hours of class in the IIMC certification education points. 

For information on the IIMC Certification programs, CMC and MMC, please visit their website.



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