LIVE ZOOM Webinars (earn 1 CMC or 1 MMC point or 2 EPP hours) are held the second Wed of each month: Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14, June 11, July 9, Aug 13, Sept 10, Oct 8, Nov 12, 2025. (Click LIVE WEBINARS below for more info)

Accountability in the Workplace

Accountability in the Workplace

Course Fee
Discount Fee
Course Fee
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Unit price

1 CMC or 2 EPP hours

Accountability helps to ensure that every employee will take responsibility for their performance and behaviors in your municipality and continue to manage their “ability to respond”. When we implement goals and communicate with one another, we can achieve powerful results. Building an accountable workplace requires strong teamwork and collaboration.  Accountable employees are more productive and generate a healthy workplace culture.  This course will provide you with informative tools and practical strategies used to help empower the team to work toward achieving success.

 Course Objectives

  • Define accountability and personal accountability
  • Differentiate between ownership and accountability
  • Use feedback as a tool to enhance performance
  • Understand the barriers to workplace accountability
  • Focus on building accountable leadership
  • Identify the components of the cycle of accountability