LIVE ZOOM Webinars (earn 1 CMC or 1 MMC point or 2 EPP hours) are held the second Wed of each month: Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14, June 11, July 9, Aug 13, Sept 10, Oct 8, Nov 12, 2025. (Click LIVE WEBINARS below for more info)

Telework and Telecommuting

Telework and Telecommuting

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Working in a home office requires a unique set of skills. Virtual employees have additional challenges created by not being in a centralized office. Communication issues alone make it challenging and recognizing these challenges will help your participants become great virtual employees. Through Telework and Telecommuting employees will see a great improvement in their performance and well-being. Working virtually does have the advantages of flexible schedules, no commute, and cost savings to name a few. In this course, participants will establish the key skills needed to be successful in their work from home environment.